PGD Mobile Development, S.L. Apps

HeyYapp Messenger 1.1.9
Launching a project that canaccumulatethousands of users in one place?You can find the full template project at: can download a sample iOS app with full featuresactivatedform this link in .ipa format: SECOND VERSION READY:Hey Yapp! 1.1.9 is ready for purchase or update, we have added:ChartBoost support or monetizationFrameworks updates to last versionsVideo call fix for iOS and AndroidMinor bug fixesChatHey Yapp! comes with powerful instant messaging right out ofthebox. Powered by Quickblox backend technologies, withcompatibilityfor server-side chat history, group chats, attachmentsand useravatars, it's pretty powerful. It also has chat bubbles anduserpresence (online/offline).Chat UsersHey Yapp! users can sign-up with just a Facebook account orsignin with an email address. They can also update theirprofilepicture, status message, contact details and avatar.Chat MediaSend photos, videos and voice recordings with ease and withnolimits - these files are stored safely in the Quickbloxcloud.Chat GroupsWhether it's the football team or your family, creating agroupchat is so simple that your grandma could do it (and if shedoes,it's easy to leave too)Video callingOne of the coolest technologies of the 21st century, HeyYapp!has HD video calling powered by Quickblox WebRTC right out ofthebox. It's peer-to-peer to reduce latency and bandwidth and hasasimple user interface that you'd expect from the tech giants -easycamera switching and muting.WebRTC is a great solution for video and audio calling.WebRTCitself it open-source, so you can modify the code as much asyouwish, or you can trust the thousands of skilled developerswhocontributed to it’s development.Push notificationsInstant, easy and free notifications are fully integratedintoboth the iOS and Android versions of Hey Yapp!.Receivenotifications for chat messages, incoming calls and anyothercustom alert that you want to send from the CMS stylemessagesdashboard. As you'd expect, they're also presence aware -so usersonly see them when they should.AlertsSend alerts to your users whenever you want - whether it beaproduct update, a warning notification or just to sayhappybirthday - it's available.Custom messagesCustomise messages from chatting friends with the aid ofmergetags, badge counter customization and more. You can conveyexactlythe message you want.DashboardConfigure your push settings, send alerts to your users andviewyour past messages through the easy-to-use QuickbloxCMS-styledashboardDisclaimer: This project is derived from the free opensourceproject Q-municate. You can download it fromhere: What you are paying for bygetting HeyYapp! is our version of the Quickblox app to includemorefunctionality and complete modernization / redesign of theUI.